
Employer Identification Number 31-0821940

CONCORD COUNSELING SERVICES is a USA domiciled entity or foreign entity operating in the USA. The EIN ihas been issued by the IRS

Employer identification number (EIN):31-0821940
EIN Issuing AuthoritySmall Business Administration SBA Unit
NAIC Classification:621330
NAIC Description:Offices of Mental Health Practitioners (except Physicians)
401k Pension/Benefits registration CONCORD COUNSELING SERVICES 401k plan information
Federal tax statusExempt from federal income tax. Registered as a non-profit under 501(c)(3) Title 26 of the United States Code
State of IncorporationOhio, OH

Organization Overview

Mission StatementProviding mental health, alcohol, and drug addiction treatment services to the residents of Franklin county as well as educational material and prevention services.
Number of Employees126
Number of Volunteers15
Year Formed1972

Organization Governance

Legal DomicileOH
Voting Members - Governing Body12
Voting Members - Independent12

Organization Financials

Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 0
Net unrelated business incomeUSD $ 0
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 1,928,289
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 1,821,183
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 1,739
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 44,655
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 15,499
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 17,592
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 7,040,964
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 4,482,770
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 4,580,334
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 2,021,118
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 1,504,089
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 6,503,888
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 6,084,423
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ -97,564
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ 312,216
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 7,138,528
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 6,705,205
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 1,268,211
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 1,197,523
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 12,941
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 5,870,317
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 5,507,682
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 0
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 7,040,964
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 7,017,421
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 5,157,534
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 5,071,894
Total of other revenueUSD $ 17,592
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 0
Net unrelated business incomeUSD $ 0
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 2,051,576
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 1,928,289
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 6,138
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 1,739
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 1,049,715
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 15,499
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 7,017,421
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 4,580,334
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 4,268,118
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 1,504,089
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 2,061,620
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 6,084,423
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 6,329,738
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ 312,216
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ 6,040,474
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 6,705,205
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 1,664,562
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 1,197,523
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 1,063,918
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 5,161
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 5,507,682
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 600,644
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 0
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 7,017,421
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 7,705,036
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 5,071,894
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 4,597,607
Total of other revenueUSD $ 15,499
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 0
Net unrelated business incomeUSD $ 0
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 2,124,345
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 2,051,576
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 14,573
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 6,138
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 59,533
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 1,049,715
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 7,705,036
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 4,268,118
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 3,627,644
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 2,061,620
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 2,948,296
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 6,329,738
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 6,575,940
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ 640,474
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ 156,707
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 7,064,562
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 7,159,610
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 1,063,918
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 1,269,982
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 1,203
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 6,000,644
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 5,889,628
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 0
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 7,705,036
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 7,316,317
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 4,597,607
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 5,117,866
Total of other revenueUSD $ 1,049,715
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 0
Net unrelated business incomeUSD $ 0
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 1,986,732
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 2,124,345
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 12,402
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 14,573
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 23,629
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 59,533
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 7,316,317
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 3,627,644
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 3,470,937
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 2,948,296
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 1,592,042
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 6,575,940
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 5,062,979
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ 156,707
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ 525,789
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 7,159,610
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 6,095,819
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 1,269,982
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 970,783
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 8,245
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 5,889,628
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 5,125,036
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 0
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 7,316,317
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 6,621,608
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 5,117,866
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 4,598,845
Total of other revenueUSD $ 59,533
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 0
Net unrelated business incomeUSD $ 0
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 1,974,862
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 1,986,732
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 2,406
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 12,402
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 18,319
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 23,629
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 6,621,608
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 3,470,937
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 2,945,148
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 1,592,042
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 1,722,971
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 5,062,979
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 4,668,119
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ 525,789
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ 313,679
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 6,095,819
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 5,734,014
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 970,783
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 838,624
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 16,790
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 5,125,036
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 4,895,390
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 0
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 6,621,608
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 6,047,693
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 4,598,845
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 4,052,106
Total of other revenueUSD $ 23,629
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 0
Net unrelated business incomeUSD $ 0
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 1,924,593
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 1,974,862
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 7,878
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 2,406
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 5,973
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 18,319
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 6,047,693
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 2,945,148
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 2,631,469
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 1,722,971
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 1,082,184
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 4,668,119
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 3,713,653
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ 313,679
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ 899,299
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 5,734,014
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 5,087,068
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 838,624
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 811,071
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 20,501
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 4,895,390
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 4,275,997
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 0
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 6,047,693
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 5,986,367
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 4,052,106
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 4,047,923
Total of other revenueUSD $ 18,319
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 0
Net unrelated business incomeUSD $ 0
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 1,930,382
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 1,924,593
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 2,266
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 7,878
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 5,220
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 5,973
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 5,986,367
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 2,631,469
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 1,732,170
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 1,082,184
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 1,172,813
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 3,713,653
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 2,904,983
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ 899,299
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ 655,253
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 5,087,068
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 4,578,921
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 811,071
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 742,313
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 15,528
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 4,275,997
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 3,836,608
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 0
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 5,986,367
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 5,234,174
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 4,047,923
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 3,296,306
Total of other revenueUSD $ 5,973
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 0
Net unrelated business incomeUSD $ 0
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 1,614,967
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 1,649,590
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 3,238
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ -1,165
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 107,375
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 4,464,710
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 1,076,917
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 931,117
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 1,015,883
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 999,214
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 2,092,800
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 1,930,331
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ 297,991
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ 160,430
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 4,166,719
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 3,642,118
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 723,486
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 595,569
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 33,975
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 3,443,233
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 3,046,549
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 0
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 4,464,710
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 3,802,548
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 2,708,910
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 2,184,343
Total of other revenueUSD $ 107,375

Organization Addresses

The following addresses have been detected as associated with Tax Indentification Number 310821940

USA Mailing Address
Date first seen: 2007-01-01
Date last seen: 2024-08-31
USA Location Address
Date first seen: 2007-01-01
Date last seen: 2024-10-15

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