WALL STREET ASSOCIATES is a USA domiciled entity or foreign entity operating in the USA. The EIN ihas been issued by the IRS
The following addresses have been detected as associated with Tax Indentification Number 330238287
SEC Filing Date | SEC Document Filed |
2017-01-18 | SEC filing 000082840517000001 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2016-11-14 | SEC filing 000082840516000011 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2016-08-12 | SEC filing 000082840516000010 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2016-05-13 | SEC filing 000082840516000008 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2016-02-11 | SEC filing 000082840516000007 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2015-11-12 | SEC filing 000082840515000006 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2015-08-13 | SEC filing 000082840515000005 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2015-05-14 | SEC filing 000082840515000003 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2015-02-12 | SEC filing 000082840515000002 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2014-11-13 | SEC filing 000082840514000006 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2014-08-14 | SEC filing 000082840514000004 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2014-05-13 | SEC filing 000082840514000003 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2014-02-11 | SEC filing 000082840514000001 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2013-11-12 | SEC filing 000082840513000008 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2013-08-14 | SEC filing 000082840513000007 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2013-04-09 | SEC filing 000082840513000006 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2013-02-12 | SEC filing 000082840513000004 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2013-02-11 | SEC filing 000082840513000003 Form SC 13G/A Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Amend |
2013-02-11 | SEC filing 000082840513000002 Form SC 13G/A Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Amend |
2013-02-11 | SEC filing 000082840513000001 Form SC 13G/A Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Amend |
2012-11-13 | SEC filing 000082840512000012 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2012-08-14 | SEC filing 000082840512000011 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2012-05-10 | SEC filing 000082840512000010 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2012-02-15 | SEC filing 000082840512000005 Form SC 13G/A Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Amend |
2012-02-14 | SEC filing 000082840512000006 Form SC 13G/A Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Amend |
2012-02-14 | SEC filing 000082840512000004 Form SC 13G/A Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Amend |
2012-02-14 | SEC filing 000082840512000003 Form SC 13G/A Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Amend |
2012-02-14 | SEC filing 000082840512000002 Form SC 13G/A Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Amend |
2012-02-14 | SEC filing 000082840512000001 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2011-11-14 | SEC filing 000082840511000010 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2011-08-11 | SEC filing 000082840511000009 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2011-05-13 | SEC filing 000082840511000008 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2011-02-14 | SEC filing 000082840511000007 Form SC 13G/A Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Amend |
2011-02-14 | SEC filing 000082840511000006 Form SC 13G Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals |
2011-02-14 | SEC filing 000082840511000005 Form SC 13G Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals |
2011-02-11 | SEC filing 000082840511000001 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2010-11-10 | SEC filing 000082840510000005 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2010-08-12 | SEC filing 000082840510000004 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2010-05-13 | SEC filing 000082840510000003 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2010-02-11 | SEC filing 000082840510000002 Form SC 13G Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals |
2010-02-11 | SEC filing 000082840510000001 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2009-11-12 | SEC filing 000082840509000006 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2009-08-12 | SEC filing 000082840509000005 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2009-05-14 | SEC filing 000082840509000004 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2009-02-12 | SEC filing 000082840509000003 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2009-02-12 | SEC filing 000082840509000002 Form SC 13G/A Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Amend |
2009-02-12 | SEC filing 000082840509000001 Form SC 13G Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals |
2008-11-13 | SEC filing 000082840508000006 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2008-08-14 | SEC filing 000082840508000005 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2008-05-14 | SEC filing 000082840508000004 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2008-02-13 | SEC filing 000082840508000003 Form SC 13G/A Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Amend |
2008-02-13 | SEC filing 000082840508000002 Form SC 13G Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals |
2008-02-12 | SEC filing 000082840508000001 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2007-11-13 | SEC filing 000082840507000009 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2007-08-14 | SEC filing 000082840507000008 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2007-04-12 | SEC filing 000082840507000007 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2007-02-14 | SEC filing 000082840507000006 Form SC 13G/A Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Amend |
2007-02-13 | SEC filing 000082840507000004 Form SC 13G/A Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Amend |
2007-02-13 | SEC filing 000082840507000003 Form SC 13G/A Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Amend |
2007-02-13 | SEC filing 000082840507000002 Form SC 13G Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals |
2007-02-13 | SEC filing 000082840507000001 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2006-11-14 | SEC filing 000082840506000010 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2006-08-10 | SEC filing 000082840506000009 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2006-05-11 | SEC filing 000082840506000008 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2006-02-14 | SEC filing 000082840506000007 Form SC 13G Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals |
2006-02-13 | SEC filing 000082840506000004 Form SC 13G Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals |
2006-02-13 | SEC filing 000082840506000006 Form SC 13G/A Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Amend |
2006-02-13 | SEC filing 000082840506000005 Form SC 13G/A Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Amend |
2006-02-13 | SEC filing 000082840506000003 Form SC 13G Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals |
2006-02-13 | SEC filing 000082840506000002 Form SC 13G Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals |
2006-02-08 | SEC filing 000082840506000001 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2005-11-09 | SEC filing 000082840505000012 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2005-08-12 | SEC filing 000082840505000011 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2005-05-17 | SEC filing 000082840505000010 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2005-02-15 | SEC filing 000082840505000008 Form SC 13G Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals |
2005-02-14 | SEC filing 000082840505000006 Form SC 13G/A Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Amend |
2005-02-14 | SEC filing 000082840505000007 Form SC 13G/A Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Amend |
2005-02-14 | SEC filing 000082840505000005 Form SC 13G/A Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Amend |
2005-02-14 | SEC filing 000082840505000004 Form SC 13G/A Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Amend |
2005-02-14 | SEC filing 000082840505000003 Form SC 13G/A Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Amend |
2005-02-10 | SEC filing 000082840505000001 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2004-11-15 | SEC filing 000082840504000012 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2004-08-10 | SEC filing 000082840504000011 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2004-05-12 | SEC filing 000082840504000010 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2004-02-13 | SEC filing 000082840504000009 Form SC 13G Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals |
2004-02-13 | SEC filing 000082840504000008 Form SC 13G/A Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Amend |
2004-02-13 | SEC filing 000082840504000007 Form SC 13G/A Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Amend |
2004-02-12 | SEC filing 000082840504000004 Form SC 13G Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals |
2004-02-12 | SEC filing 000082840504000003 Form SC 13G Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals |
2004-02-12 | SEC filing 000082840504000002 Form SC 13G/A Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Amend |
2004-02-11 | SEC filing 000082840504000001 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2003-11-05 | SEC filing 000082840503000009 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2003-08-05 | SEC filing 000082840503000007 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2003-05-07 | SEC filing 000082840503000006 Form 13F-HR/A Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings Amend |
2003-05-02 | SEC filing 000082840503000005 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2003-02-13 | SEC filing 000082840503000004 Form SC 13G Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals |
2003-02-13 | SEC filing 000082840503000003 Form SC 13G/A Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Amend |
2003-02-12 | SEC filing 000082840503000002 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2002-10-10 | SEC filing 000082840502000007 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2002-07-26 | SEC filing 000082840502000006 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2002-04-18 | SEC filing 000082840502000005 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2002-02-15 | SEC filing 000082840502000004 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2002-02-13 | SEC filing 000082840502000002 Form SC 13G/A Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Amend |
2002-02-13 | SEC filing 000082840502000003 Form SC 13G Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals |
2001-10-30 | SEC filing 000082840501500009 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2001-07-25 | SEC filing 000082840501500007 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2001-05-14 | SEC filing 000082840501500006 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2001-02-12 | SEC filing 000082840501500003 Form SC 13G/A Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Amend |
2001-02-12 | SEC filing 000082840501500004 Form SC 13G Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals |
2001-02-08 | SEC filing 000082840501500002 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2000-11-17 | SEC filing 000082840500500007 Form 13F-HR/A Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings Amend |
2000-11-14 | SEC filing 000082840500500006 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2000-08-14 | SEC filing 000082840500000012 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2000-05-12 | SEC filing 000082840500000008 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
2000-02-15 | SEC filing 000082840500000004 Form SC 13G/A Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Amend |
2000-02-15 | SEC filing 000082840500000005 Form SC 13G Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals |
2000-02-11 | SEC filing 000082840500000002 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
1999-11-09 | SEC filing 000082840599000003 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
1999-08-16 | SEC filing 000082840599000002 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |
1999-06-24 | SEC registration of state of incorporation as CA |
1999-06-24 | SEC filing 000081487099000015 Form 13F-HR Quarterly report filed by institutional managers, Holdings |