
Employer Identification Number 38-0298770

SOCIETY OF MANUFACTURING ENGINEERS is a USA domiciled entity or foreign entity operating in the USA. The EIN ihas been issued by the IRS

Employer identification number (EIN):38-0298770
EIN Issuing AuthorityCincinnati, OH
NAIC Classification:813000
NAIC Description: Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations
401k Pension/Benefits registration SOCIETY OF MANUFACTURING ENGINEERS 401k plan information
Federal tax statusExempt from federal income tax. Registered as a non-profit under 501(c)(3) Title 26 of the United States Code
State of IncorporationTexas, TX

Organization Overview

Number of Employees240
Number of Volunteers1000
Year Formed1932

Organization Governance

Legal DomicileMI
Voting Members - Governing Body13
Voting Members - Independent13

Organization Financials

Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 2,993,952
Net unrelated business incomeUSD $ 413,917
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 47,114,926
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 80,134,246
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 1,747,473
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 1,138,666
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 1,023,829
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 1,103,500
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 91,607,040
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 49,230,483
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 33,981,910
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 28,945,903
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 41,208,703
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 78,176,386
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 75,190,613
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ 8,258,083
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ -8,336,409
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 75,439,459
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 59,979,438
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 48,247,460
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 36,853,683
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from previous yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 25,233,367
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 21,920,080
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Benefits paid to or for members in previous yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 1,958,632
Grants and similar amounts paid in previous yearUSD $ 1,205,675
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 83,697,542
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 51,643,029
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 1,321,130
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 1,756,801
Cost of goods soldUSD $ 39,799
Gross sales of inventory assetsUSD $ 137,942
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 3,396,354
Net unrelated business incomeUSD $ 292,614
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 51,181,391
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 47,114,926
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 7,142,067
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 1,747,473
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 1,205,278
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 1,023,829
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 55,564,661
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 33,981,910
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 51,893,612
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 41,208,703
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 25,222,753
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 75,190,613
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 77,116,365
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ -8,336,409
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ 9,381,300
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 59,979,438
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 56,775,104
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 36,853,683
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 32,069,851
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from previous yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 21,920,080
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 23,143,727
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Benefits paid to or for members in previous yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 1,205,675
Grants and similar amounts paid in previous yearUSD $ 1,561,526
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 51,643,029
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 66,156,404
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 1,756,801
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 6,627,668
Cost of goods soldUSD $ 42,139
Gross sales of inventory assetsUSD $ 146,235
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 3,068,590
Net unrelated business incomeUSD $ 894,878
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 27,053,470
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 51,181,391
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 3,862,443
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 7,142,067
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 1,079,346
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 1,205,278
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 66,221,138
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 51,893,612
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 40,779,503
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 25,222,753
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 35,012,406
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 77,116,365
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 75,791,909
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ 9,381,300
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ -2,022,580
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 56,775,104
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 35,499,157
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 32,069,851
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 12,317,875
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from previous yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 23,143,727
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 22,254,953
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Benefits paid to or for members in previous yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 1,561,526
Grants and similar amounts paid in previous yearUSD $ 926,329
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 66,156,404
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 33,476,577
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 6,627,668
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 1,481,318
Cost of goods soldUSD $ 64,734
Gross sales of inventory assetsUSD $ 214,280
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 3,202,189
Net unrelated business incomeUSD $ 435,512
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 70,624,365
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 27,053,470
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 3,797,218
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 3,862,443
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 1,090,006
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 1,079,346
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 35,570,963
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 40,779,503
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 39,237,004
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 35,012,406
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 29,749,751
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 75,791,909
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 68,986,755
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ -2,022,580
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ 7,920,240
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 35,499,157
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 67,699,088
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 12,317,875
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 43,480,203
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from previous yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 22,254,953
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 23,584,638
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Benefits paid to or for members in previous yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 926,329
Grants and similar amounts paid in previous yearUSD $ 634,247
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 33,476,577
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 75,619,328
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 1,481,318
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 107,739
Cost of goods soldUSD $ 111,164
Gross sales of inventory assetsUSD $ 329,689
Total of other revenueUSD $ 37,869
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 3,164,367
Net unrelated business incomeUSD $ 421,175
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 52,031,088
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 70,624,365
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 3,422,767
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 3,797,218
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 1,041,124
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 1,090,006
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 77,347,490
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 39,237,004
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 27,573,003
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 29,749,751
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 30,239,200
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 68,986,755
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 57,812,203
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ 7,920,240
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ -1,405,412
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 67,699,088
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 57,900,620
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 43,480,203
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 35,815,816
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from previous yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 23,584,638
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 21,457,442
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Benefits paid to or for members in previous yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 634,247
Grants and similar amounts paid in previous yearUSD $ 627,362
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 75,619,328
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 56,495,208
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 107,739
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 229
Cost of goods soldUSD $ 160,912
Gross sales of inventory assetsUSD $ 525,352
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 2,965,912
Net unrelated business incomeUSD $ 371,628
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 63,225,728
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 52,031,088
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 3,091,889
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 3,422,767
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 723,487
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 1,041,124
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 60,417,533
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 27,573,003
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 42,825,275
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 30,239,200
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 28,796,085
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 57,812,203
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 71,621,360
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ -1,405,412
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ 3,095,098
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 57,900,620
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 64,017,859
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 35,815,816
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 40,551,377
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from previous yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 21,457,442
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 22,828,682
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Benefits paid to or for members in previous yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 627,362
Grants and similar amounts paid in previous yearUSD $ 637,800
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 56,495,208
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 67,112,957
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 229
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 71,853
Cost of goods soldUSD $ 199,883
Gross sales of inventory assetsUSD $ 574,470
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 3,282,942
Net unrelated business incomeUSD $ 92,031
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 43,978,111
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 63,225,728
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 1,149,844
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 3,091,889
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 614,899
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 723,487
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 73,390,340
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 42,825,275
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 36,209,005
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 28,796,085
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 27,890,736
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 71,621,360
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 64,099,741
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ 3,095,098
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ -3,695,348
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 64,017,859
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 49,499,437
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 40,551,377
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 28,615,275
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from previous yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 22,828,682
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 20,443,925
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Benefits paid to or for members in previous yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 637,800
Grants and similar amounts paid in previous yearUSD $ 440,237
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 67,112,957
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 45,804,089
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 71,853
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 61,235
Cost of goods soldUSD $ 587,749
Gross sales of inventory assetsUSD $ 749,468
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 3,384,847
Net unrelated business incomeUSD $ -3,675
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 42,307,890
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 58,442,844
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 1,639,156
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 2,045,354
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 640,027
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 587,800
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 67,821,556
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 39,445,940
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 37,858,017
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 25,626,758
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 26,448,640
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 65,072,698
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 64,306,657
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ 3,783,299
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ -1,163,489
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 57,304,667
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 45,859,353
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 36,338,542
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 28,712,272
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from previous yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 20,562,852
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 16,725,347
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Benefits paid to or for members in previous yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 403,273
Grants and similar amounts paid in previous yearUSD $ 421,734
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 61,087,966
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 44,695,864
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 11,968
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 108,791
Cost of goods soldUSD $ 846,731
Gross sales of inventory assetsUSD $ 936,622
Total of other revenueUSD $ 0
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 4,091,198
Net unrelated business incomeUSD $ 344,830
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 51,786,269
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 42,307,890
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 2,375,023
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 1,639,156
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 869,216
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 640,027
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 49,019,396
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 37,858,017
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 41,916,169
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 26,448,640
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 25,232,719
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 64,306,657
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 67,148,888
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ -1,163,489
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ 3,164,174
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 45,859,353
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 51,907,953
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 28,712,272
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 33,322,628
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from previous yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 16,725,347
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 18,146,907
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Benefits paid to or for members in previous yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 421,734
Grants and similar amounts paid in previous yearUSD $ 438,418
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 44,695,864
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 55,072,127
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 108,791
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 41,619
Cost of goods soldUSD $ 947,795
Gross sales of inventory assetsUSD $ 1,010,633
Total of other revenueUSD $ 0

Organization Addresses

The following addresses have been detected as associated with Tax Indentification Number 380298770

USA Mailing Address
Date first seen: 2010-10-15
Date last seen: 2018-05-15
USA Mailing Address
SUITE 1910
Date first seen: 2007-07-01
Date last seen: 2024-09-30
USA Location Address
Date first seen: 2010-10-15
Date last seen: 2013-10-15

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