Company Name: | KAPPA ALPHA ORDER |
Employer identification number (EIN): | 38-3687907 |
EIN Issuing Authority | Cincinnati, OH |
Federal tax status | Exempt from federal income tax. Registered as a non-profit under 501(c)(3) Title 26 of the United States Code |
State of Incorporation | Virgninia, VA |
The following addresses have been detected as associated with Tax Indentification Number 383687907
USA Mailing Address |
Event Date | Event description | |
2024-03-11 | Posting of automatic revocation of federal tax exempt status for not filing Form 990 return or notice for 3 consecutive years | |
2023-11-15 | Automatic revocation of federal tax exempt status for not filing Form 990 return or notice for 3 consecutive years | |
2020-06-30 | Form 990-N declaration of Gross Receipts Under $25,000 in tax year 2019 |
Company Name | Employer Identification Number |
KAPPA ALPHA ORDER | 301295417 |
KAPPA ALPHA ORDER | 270291990 |
KAPPA ALPHA ORDER | 262493320 |
KAPPA ALPHA ORDER | 270146455 |
KAPPA ALPHA ORDER | 752200485 |
KAPPA ALPHA ORDER | 263707561 |
KAPPA ALPHA ORDER | 593388643 |
KAPPA ALPHA ORDER | 421697016 |
KAPPA ALPHA ORDER | 371861771 |
KAPPA ALPHA ORDER | 270443773 |
KAPPA ALPHA ORDER | 860621731 |
KAPPA ALPHA ORDER | 383981777 |
KAPPA ALPHA ORDER | 364906648 |
KAPPA ALPHA ORDER | 800196440 |
KAPPA ALPHA ORDER | 262306278 |
KAPPA ALPHA ORDER | 237087704 |
KAPPA ALPHA ORDER | 273363204 |
KAPPA ALPHA ORDER | 341820526 |
KAPPA ALPHA ORDER | 611937124 |
KAPPA ALPHA ORDER | 270262124 |