
Employer Identification Number 59-2170012

ADVENTHEALTH BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE is a USA domiciled entity or foreign entity operating in the USA. The EIN ihas been issued by the IRS

Employer identification number (EIN):59-2170012
EIN Issuing AuthorityBrookhaven, NY
NAIC Classification:622000
NAIC Description: Hospitals
401k Pension/Benefits registration ADVENTHEALTH BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE 401k plan information
Federal tax statusExempt from federal income tax. Registered as a non-profit under 501(c)(3) Title 26 of the United States Code

Organization Overview

Mission StatementProvision of executive leadership and other professional support services to subsidiaries.
Number of Employees2869
Number of Volunteers55
Year Formed1981

Organization Governance

Legal DomicileFL
Voting Members - Governing Body64
Voting Members - Independent55

Organization Financials

Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 12,725,199
Net unrelated business incomeUSD $ 80,145
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 1,297,860,791
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 1,539,327,660
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 451,074,507
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 100,524,388
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 957,523
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 864,069
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 1,783,556,574
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 298,824,066
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 403,841,527
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 7,890,178,527
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 9,659,267,828
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 8,189,002,593
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 10,063,109,355
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ -20,011,991
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ 23,765,676
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 1,661,959,102
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 1,726,132,145
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 875,591,671
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 1,023,988,714
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from previous yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 776,567,677
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 693,880,073
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Benefits paid to or for members in previous yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 9,799,754
Grants and similar amounts paid in previous yearUSD $ 8,263,358
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 1,641,947,111
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 1,749,897,821
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 1,230,994
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 5,000
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 17,285,479
Net unrelated business incomeUSD $ 535,770
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 1,179,096,558
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 1,297,860,791
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 147,989,517
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 451,074,507
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 1,132,671
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 957,523
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 1,749,897,821
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 403,841,527
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 765,297,704
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 9,659,267,828
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 8,904,645,904
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 10,063,109,355
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 9,669,943,608
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ 23,765,676
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ 52,106,820
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 1,726,132,145
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 1,276,122,126
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 1,023,988,714
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 653,133,700
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from previous yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 693,880,073
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 613,446,608
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Benefits paid to or for members in previous yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 8,263,358
Grants and similar amounts paid in previous yearUSD $ 9,541,818
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 1,749,897,821
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 1,328,228,946
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 5,000
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 10,200
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 22,307,794
Net unrelated business incomeUSD $ 1,259,943
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 967,007,110
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 1,179,096,558
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 319,556,565
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 147,989,517
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 1,128,853
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 1,132,671
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 1,464,562,556
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 765,297,704
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 673,406,750
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 8,904,645,904
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 7,596,819,288
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 9,669,943,608
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 8,270,226,038
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ 52,106,820
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ -41,199,969
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 1,276,122,126
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 1,329,063,297
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 653,133,700
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 750,724,123
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from previous yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 613,446,608
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 567,958,537
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Benefits paid to or for members in previous yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 9,541,818
Grants and similar amounts paid in previous yearUSD $ 10,380,637
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 1,328,228,946
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 1,287,863,328
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 10,200
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 170,800
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 24,578,574
Net unrelated business incomeUSD $ 1,333,304
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 868,623,083
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 967,007,110
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 80,014,046
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 319,556,565
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 1,063,416
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 1,128,853
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 1,306,457,148
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 673,406,750
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 751,950,472
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 7,596,819,288
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 6,723,313,936
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 8,270,226,038
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 7,475,264,408
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ -41,199,969
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ -36,693,206
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 1,329,063,297
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 986,450,001
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 750,724,123
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 477,846,865
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from previous yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 567,958,537
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 495,616,414
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Benefits paid to or for members in previous yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 10,380,637
Grants and similar amounts paid in previous yearUSD $ 12,986,722
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 1,287,863,328
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 949,756,795
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 170,800
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 56,250
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 16,007,032
Net unrelated business incomeUSD $ 938,640
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 801,522,870
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 868,623,083
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 286,215,880
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 80,014,046
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 987,761
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 1,063,416
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 1,000,215,109
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 751,950,472
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 688,568,613
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 6,723,313,936
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 6,453,557,137
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 7,475,264,408
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 7,142,125,750
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ -36,693,206
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ 17,316,288
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 986,450,001
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 1,071,477,473
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 477,846,865
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 591,536,356
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from previous yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 495,616,414
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 467,549,945
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Benefits paid to or for members in previous yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 12,986,722
Grants and similar amounts paid in previous yearUSD $ 12,391,172
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 949,756,795
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 1,088,793,761
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 56,250
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 67,250
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 18,991,571
Net unrelated business incomeUSD $ -1,131,055
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 599,764,624
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 801,522,870
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 34,739,894
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 286,215,880
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 167,092
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 987,761
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 1,088,799,467
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 688,568,613
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 529,412,933
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 6,453,557,137
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 5,758,591,308
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 7,142,125,750
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 6,288,004,241
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ 17,316,288
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ 17,865,207
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 1,071,477,473
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 616,851,403
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 591,536,356
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 280,059,083
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from previous yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 467,549,945
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 331,998,605
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Benefits paid to or for members in previous yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 12,391,172
Grants and similar amounts paid in previous yearUSD $ 4,793,715
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 1,088,793,761
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 634,716,610
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 67,250
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 45,000
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 10,224,246
Net unrelated business incomeUSD $ 1,269,757
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 518,157,491
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 599,764,624
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ -54,990,051
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 34,739,894
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 0
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 167,092
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 694,854,753
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 529,412,933
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 401,926,147
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 5,758,591,308
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 5,362,357,887
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 6,288,004,241
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 5,764,284,034
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ 17,865,207
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ -5,500,619
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 616,851,403
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 469,545,347
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 280,059,083
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 146,847,858
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from previous yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 331,998,605
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 315,626,291
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Benefits paid to or for members in previous yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 4,793,715
Grants and similar amounts paid in previous yearUSD $ 7,071,198
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 634,716,610
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 464,044,728
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 45,000
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 877,288
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 2,543,139
Net unrelated business incomeUSD $ 442,210
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 440,665,732
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 518,157,491
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 78,433,785
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ -54,990,051
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 0
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 0
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 15,573,309,834
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 401,926,147
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 369,761,309
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 5,362,357,887
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 5,644,064,694
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 5,764,284,034
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 6,013,826,003
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ -5,500,619
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ 26,276,013
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 469,545,347
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 492,886,704
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 146,847,858
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 225,249,502
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from previous yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 315,626,291
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 253,695,216
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Benefits paid to or for members in previous yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 7,071,198
Grants and similar amounts paid in previous yearUSD $ 13,941,986
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 464,044,728
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 519,162,717
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 877,288
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 63,200
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 511,308
Net unrelated business incomeUSD $ -70,207
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 405,133,330
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 440,665,732
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 125,303,364
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 78,433,785
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 132,297
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 0
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 519,162,717
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 369,761,309
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 226,356,781
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 5,644,064,694
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 5,268,924,025
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 6,013,826,003
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 5,495,280,806
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ 26,276,013
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ 73,514,826
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 492,886,704
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 457,092,045
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 225,249,502
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 232,918,446
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from previous yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 253,695,216
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 223,248,637
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Benefits paid to or for members in previous yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 13,941,986
Grants and similar amounts paid in previous yearUSD $ 924,962
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 519,162,717
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 530,606,871
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 63,200
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 37,880

Other Company Names associated with EIN

Adventist Health System Sunbelt

Organization Addresses

The following addresses have been detected as associated with Tax Indentification Number 592170012

USA Mailing Address
Date first seen: 2007-01-01
Date last seen: 2024-07-31
USA Location Address
Date first seen: 2007-01-01
Date last seen: 2024-10-10

Nearby companies/organizations

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