Company Name: | PTA TEXAS CONGRESS |
Employer identification number (EIN): | 75-6062887 |
EIN Type | Trusts, Estates, and Non-Profit/Exempt Organizations under the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) |
EIN Issuing Authority | Philadelphia, PA |
Federal tax status | Exempt from federal income tax. Registered as a non-profit under 501(c)(3) Title 26 of the United States Code |
State of Incorporation | Texas, TX |
2024-06-30 | |
Gross receipts from all sources | USD $ 65,706 |
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal year | USD $ 58,087 |
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal year | USD $ 48,269 |
Contributions, Grants, Gifts etc from current year | USD $ 38,287 |
Cost sales expenses from gross sales of non-inventory assets | USD $ 0 |
Gross income from fundraising events | USD $ 18,107 |
Direct expenses fromspecial events | USD $ 17,586 |
Cost of goods sold | USD $ 6,529 |
Total revenue | USD $ 41,591 |
Total of all other expenses | USD $ 31,773 |
Total of all expenses | USD $ 31,773 |
Net assets or fund balances at end of year | USD $ 9,818 |
Net difference of special event income minus expenses | USD $ 521 |
Gross sales of inventory assets | USD $ 9,310 |
Gross profit/loss Sales of inventory | USD $ 2,781 |
The following addresses have been detected as associated with Tax Indentification Number 756062887
USA Mailing Address |
The following addresses have been found in other jurisdictions:
Jurisdiction: | Texas Secretary of State | ||||
Address: |
| ||||
Jurisdiction Company ID: | |||||
Jurisdiction Registration Date: |
Event Date | Event description | |
2023-06-30 | Form 990-N declaration of Gross Receipts Under $25,000 in tax year 2022 | |
2022-06-30 | Form 990-N declaration of Gross Receipts Under $25,000 in tax year 2021 | |
2021-06-30 | Form 990-N declaration of Gross Receipts Under $25,000 in tax year 2020 | |
2020-06-30 | Form 990-N declaration of Gross Receipts Under $25,000 in tax year 2019 |
Company Name | Employer Identification Number |
PTA TEXAS CONGRESS | 920356845 |
PTA TEXAS CONGRESS | 743004022 |
PTA TEXAS CONGRESS | 275186393 |
PTA TEXAS CONGRESS | 873149769 |
PTA TEXAS CONGRESS | 471441107 |
PTA TEXAS CONGRESS | 452095961 |
PTA TEXAS CONGRESS | 201129377 |
PTA TEXAS CONGRESS | 746086586 |
PTA TEXAS CONGRESS | 474035271 |
PTA TEXAS CONGRESS | 205374477 |
PTA TEXAS CONGRESS | 510220453 |
PTA TEXAS CONGRESS | 742624804 |
PTA TEXAS CONGRESS | 746085665 |
PTA TEXAS CONGRESS | 746087206 |
PTA TEXAS CONGRESS | 756062703 |
PTA TEXAS CONGRESS | 756062239 |
PTA TEXAS CONGRESS | 756062991 |
PTA TEXAS CONGRESS | 742239141 |
PTA TEXAS CONGRESS | 751787573 |
PTA TEXAS CONGRESS | 760536599 |