
Employer Identification Number 85-0314391

Embudo Valley Library and is a USA domiciled entity or foreign entity operating in the USA. The EIN ihas been issued by the IRS

Company Name:Embudo Valley Library and
Employer identification number (EIN):85-0314391
EIN Issuing AuthorityPhiladelphia, PA
Federal tax statusExempt from federal income tax. Registered as a non-profit under 501(c)(3) Title 26 of the United States Code

Organization Overview

Mission StatementIt is the mission of the Embudo Valley Library to provide daily library service to the Embudo Valley and Penasco area.
Number of Employees18
Number of Volunteers50
Year Formed1983

Organization Governance

Legal DomicileNM
Voting Members - Governing Body5
Voting Members - Independent5

Organization Financials

Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 0
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 7,494
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 29,837
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 18
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 15
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ -5,293
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ -987
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 499,138
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 1,205,970
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 1,028,341
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 10,856
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 5,336
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 1,216,826
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 1,033,677
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ 175,399
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ 2,895
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 250,970
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 219,332
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 113,872
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 93,227
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 1,431
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 137,098
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 126,105
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 0
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 426,369
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 222,227
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 397,504
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 220,008
Cost of goods soldUSD $ 71,149
Gross sales of inventory assetsUSD $ 42,249
Total of other revenueUSD $ 0
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 0
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 35,871
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 7,494
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 19
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 18
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 125
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ -5,293
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 302,698
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 1,028,341
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 1,029,490
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 5,336
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 2,091
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 1,033,677
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 1,031,581
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ 2,895
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ 48,323
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 219,332
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 207,694
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 93,227
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 118,750
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 4,960
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 126,105
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 88,944
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 0
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 222,227
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 256,017
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 220,008
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 220,002
Cost of goods soldUSD $ 74,168
Gross sales of inventory assetsUSD $ 47,349
Total of other revenueUSD $ 0
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 0
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 83,326
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 35,871
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 4
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 19
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 11,939
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 125
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 306,632
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 1,029,490
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 977,787
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 2,091
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 14,292
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 1,031,581
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 992,079
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ 48,323
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ 31,719
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 207,694
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 199,463
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 118,750
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 109,791
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 6,805
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 88,944
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 89,672
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 0
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 256,017
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 231,182
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 220,002
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 135,913
Cost of goods soldUSD $ 44,806
Gross sales of inventory assetsUSD $ 27,988
Total of other revenueUSD $ 0
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 0
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 42,469
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 83,326
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 10
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 4
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 12,192
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 11,939
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 237,720
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 977,787
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 945,519
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 14,292
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 19,586
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 992,079
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 965,105
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ 31,719
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ -24,924
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 199,463
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 220,315
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 109,791
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 104,363
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 5,344
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 89,672
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 115,952
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 0
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 231,182
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 195,391
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 135,913
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 140,720
Total of other revenueUSD $ 0
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 0
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 27,541
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 42,469
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 20
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 10
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 17,817
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 12,192
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 200,396
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 945,519
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 969,953
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 19,586
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 24,668
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 965,105
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 994,621
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ -24,924
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ -7,441
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 220,315
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 179,003
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 104,363
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 85,404
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 6,245
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 115,952
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 93,599
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 0
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 195,391
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 171,562
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 140,720
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 126,184
Total of other revenueUSD $ 0
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 0
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 62,828
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 27,541
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 19
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 20
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 14,676
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 17,817
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 174,744
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 969,953
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 976,601
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 24,668
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 29,369
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 994,621
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 1,005,970
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ -7,441
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ 4,071
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 179,003
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 197,636
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 85,404
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 102,424
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 8,033
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 93,599
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 95,212
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 0
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 171,562
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 201,707
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 126,184
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 124,184
Total of other revenueUSD $ 0
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 0
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 19,401
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 62,828
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 17
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 19
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 13,206
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 14,676
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 205,084
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 976,601
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 971,276
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 29,369
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 36,311
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 1,005,970
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 1,007,587
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ 4,071
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ -1,222
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 197,636
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 201,047
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 102,424
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 110,258
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 4,531
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 95,212
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 90,789
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 0
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 201,707
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 199,825
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 124,184
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 167,201
Total of other revenueUSD $ 0
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 0
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 20,603
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 19,401
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 211
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 17
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 11,855
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 13,206
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 204,034
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 971,276
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 972,854
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 36,311
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 39,761
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 1,007,587
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 1,012,615
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ -1,222
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ 28,927
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 201,047
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 162,661
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 110,258
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 85,318
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 6,677
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 90,789
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 77,343
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 0
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 199,825
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 191,588
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 167,201
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 158,919
Total of other revenueUSD $ 0
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 0
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 14,353
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 20,603
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 1,562
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 211
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 11,353
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 11,855
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 193,127
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 972,854
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 943,927
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 39,761
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 43,898
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 1,012,615
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 987,825
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ 28,927
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ 106,968
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 162,661
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 116,585
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 85,318
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 46,957
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 5,687
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 77,343
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 69,628
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 0
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 191,588
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 223,553
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 158,919
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 196,285
Total of other revenueUSD $ 0

Organization Addresses

The following addresses have been detected as associated with Tax Indentification Number 850314391

USA Mailing Address
PO Box 310
Date first seen: 2012-05-09
Date last seen: 2024-06-30

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