Employer identification number (EIN): | 91-1930506 |
EIN Issuing Authority | Philadelphia, PA |
Federal tax status | Exempt from federal income tax. Registered as a non-profit under 501(c)(3) Title 26 of the United States Code |
State of Incorporation | Texas, TX |
2023-09-30 | |
Gross receipts from all sources | USD $ 81,472 |
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal year | USD $ 99,562 |
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal year | USD $ 92,098 |
Contributions, Grants, Gifts etc from current year | USD $ 0 |
Cost sales expenses from gross sales of non-inventory assets | USD $ 0 |
Gross income from fundraising events | USD $ 0 |
Direct expenses fromspecial events | USD $ 0 |
Cost of goods sold | USD $ 0 |
Total revenue | USD $ 81,472 |
Total of all other expenses | USD $ 71,504 |
Total of all expenses | USD $ 74,008 |
Net assets or fund balances at end of year | USD $ 7,464 |
Revenue from membership dues | USD $ 65,082 |
Net difference of special event income minus expenses | USD $ 0 |
Gross profit/loss Sales of inventory | USD $ 0 |
Total of other revenue | USD $ 16,390 |
Rent, utilities and maintenance costs | USD $ 2,504 |
2022-09-30 | |
Gross receipts from all sources | USD $ 62,997 |
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal year | USD $ 92,098 |
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal year | USD $ 96,853 |
Contributions, Grants, Gifts etc from current year | USD $ 500 |
Cost sales expenses from gross sales of non-inventory assets | USD $ 0 |
Gross income from fundraising events | USD $ 0 |
Direct expenses fromspecial events | USD $ 0 |
Cost of goods sold | USD $ 0 |
Total revenue | USD $ 62,997 |
Total of all other expenses | USD $ 52,834 |
Total of all expenses | USD $ 67,752 |
Net assets or fund balances at end of year | USD $ -4,755 |
Revenue from membership dues | USD $ 0 |
Net difference of special event income minus expenses | USD $ 0 |
Gross profit/loss Sales of inventory | USD $ 0 |
Total of other revenue | USD $ 17,258 |
Rent, utilities and maintenance costs | USD $ 14,918 |
2021-09-30 | |
Gross receipts from all sources | USD $ 67,554 |
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal year | USD $ 96,853 |
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal year | USD $ 115,247 |
Contributions, Grants, Gifts etc from current year | USD $ 14,157 |
Cost sales expenses from gross sales of non-inventory assets | USD $ 0 |
Gross income from fundraising events | USD $ 0 |
Direct expenses fromspecial events | USD $ 0 |
Cost of goods sold | USD $ 0 |
Total revenue | USD $ 67,554 |
Total of all other expenses | USD $ 63,591 |
Total of all expenses | USD $ 85,948 |
Net assets or fund balances at end of year | USD $ -18,394 |
Revenue from membership dues | USD $ 36,086 |
Net difference of special event income minus expenses | USD $ 0 |
Gross profit/loss Sales of inventory | USD $ 0 |
Total of other revenue | USD $ 17,311 |
Rent, utilities and maintenance costs | USD $ 22,137 |
2020-09-30 | |
Gross receipts from all sources | USD $ 72,757 |
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal year | USD $ 115,247 |
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal year | USD $ 101,838 |
Contributions, Grants, Gifts etc from current year | USD $ 12,600 |
Cost sales expenses from gross sales of non-inventory assets | USD $ 0 |
Gross income from fundraising events | USD $ 0 |
Direct expenses fromspecial events | USD $ 0 |
Cost of goods sold | USD $ 0 |
Total revenue | USD $ 72,757 |
Fees and other payments to independent contractors | USD $ 1,200 |
Total of all other expenses | USD $ 48,509 |
Total of all expenses | USD $ 59,348 |
Net assets or fund balances at end of year | USD $ 13,409 |
Revenue from membership dues | USD $ 45,915 |
Net difference of special event income minus expenses | USD $ 0 |
Gross profit/loss Sales of inventory | USD $ 0 |
Total of other revenue | USD $ 14,242 |
Rent, utilities and maintenance costs | USD $ 9,639 |
2015-09-30 | |
Gross receipts from all sources | USD $ 90,639 |
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal year | USD $ 81,388 |
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal year | USD $ 63,673 |
Contributions, Grants, Gifts etc from current year | USD $ 12,435 |
Cost sales expenses from gross sales of non-inventory assets | USD $ 0 |
Gross income from fundraising events | USD $ 2,373 |
Direct expenses fromspecial events | USD $ 0 |
Cost of goods sold | USD $ 0 |
Total revenue | USD $ 90,639 |
Total of all other expenses | USD $ 69,706 |
Total of all expenses | USD $ 72,924 |
Net assets or fund balances at end of year | USD $ 17,715 |
Revenue from membership dues | USD $ 48,936 |
Gross income from gaming | USD $ 0 |
Net difference of special event income minus expenses | USD $ 2,373 |
Gross profit/loss Sales of inventory | USD $ 0 |
Total of other revenue | USD $ 26,895 |
Rent, utilities and maintenance costs | USD $ 2,946 |
The following addresses have been detected as associated with Tax Indentification Number 911930506
USA Mailing Address |
Company Name | Employer Identification Number |