
Employer Identification Number 93-0189335

IUOE LOCAL 701 is a USA domiciled entity or foreign entity operating in the USA. The EIN ihas been issued by the IRS

Company Name:IUOE LOCAL 701
Employer identification number (EIN):93-0189335
EIN Issuing AuthorityPhiladelphia, PA
NAIC Classification:541600
401k Pension/Benefits registration IUOE LOCAL 701 401k plan information
Federal tax statusExempt from federal income tax. Registered as a non-profit under 501(c)(3) Title 26 of the United States Code

Organization Overview

Mission StatementOperating Engineers Local 701 represents heavy equipment operators, heavy duty repairers, technical engineers and stationary engineers in Oregon and Southwest Washington and promotes wage levels, benefits and working conditions of its membership.
Number of Employees69
Number of Volunteers10
Year Formed1896

Organization Governance

Legal DomicileOR
Voting Members - Governing Body17
Voting Members - Independent11

Organization Financials

Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 0
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 5,452,981
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 5,891,768
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 553,662
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 585,183
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 63,445
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 319,402
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 6,796,353
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 19,614,881
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 20,669,379
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 14,511
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 15,962
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 19,629,392
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 20,685,341
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ 1,772,799
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ 1,921,359
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 5,023,554
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 4,645,403
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 2,165,939
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 1,883,483
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 2,765,814
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 2,737,985
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 91,801
Grants and similar amounts paid in previous yearUSD $ 23,935
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 6,796,353
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 6,566,762
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 0
Contributions and grants from previous yearUSD $ 496,674
Total of other revenueUSD $ 298,362
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 0
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 5,052,908
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 5,452,981
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 535,481
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 553,662
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 77,276
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 63,445
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 6,566,762
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 20,669,379
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 17,945,223
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 15,962
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 19,012
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 20,685,341
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 17,964,235
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ 1,921,359
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ 1,349,501
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 4,645,403
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 4,316,164
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 1,883,483
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 1,713,443
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 2,737,985
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 2,563,757
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 23,935
Grants and similar amounts paid in previous yearUSD $ 38,964
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 6,566,762
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 5,665,665
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 496,674
Total of other revenueUSD $ 44,645
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 0
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 4,884,920
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 5,052,908
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 462,224
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 535,481
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 80,950
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 77,276
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 5,665,665
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 17,945,223
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 16,060,238
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 19,012
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 22,863
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 17,964,235
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 16,083,101
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ 1,349,501
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ 854,197
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 4,316,164
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 4,573,897
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 1,713,443
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 1,647,852
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 2,563,757
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 2,757,111
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 0
Benefits paid to or for members in previous yearUSD $ 131,571
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 38,964
Grants and similar amounts paid in previous yearUSD $ 37,363
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 5,665,665
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 5,428,094
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 0
Total of other revenueUSD $ 62,276
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 0
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 4,655,822
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 4,884,920
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 550,101
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 462,224
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 88,728
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 80,950
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 7,044,494
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 16,060,238
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 13,905,145
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 22,863
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 22,162
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 16,083,101
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 13,927,307
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ 854,197
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ 712,283
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 4,573,897
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 4,582,368
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 1,647,852
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 1,810,287
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 2,757,111
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 2,678,233
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 131,571
Benefits paid to or for members in previous yearUSD $ 66,200
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 37,363
Grants and similar amounts paid in previous yearUSD $ 27,648
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 5,428,094
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 5,294,651
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 0
Total of other revenueUSD $ 65,950
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 0
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 4,182,992
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 4,655,822
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 694,061
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 550,101
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 72,312
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 88,728
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 6,965,545
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 13,905,145
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 14,155,163
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 22,162
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 22,127
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 13,927,307
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 14,177,290
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ 712,283
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ 808,021
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 4,582,368
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 4,141,344
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 1,810,287
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 1,648,462
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 2,678,233
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 2,406,301
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 66,200
Benefits paid to or for members in previous yearUSD $ 57,200
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 27,648
Grants and similar amounts paid in previous yearUSD $ 29,381
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 5,294,651
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 4,949,365
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 0
Total of other revenueUSD $ 73,728
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 0
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 3,767,335
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 4,182,992
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 202,882
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 694,061
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 84,434
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 72,312
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 7,310,753
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 14,155,163
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 12,892,256
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 22,127
Total liabilities at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 15,548
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 14,177,290
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 12,907,804
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ 808,021
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ -178,045
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 4,141,344
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 4,232,696
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 1,648,462
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 1,564,340
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 2,406,301
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 2,589,801
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 57,200
Benefits paid to or for members in previous yearUSD $ 62,500
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 29,381
Grants and similar amounts paid in previous yearUSD $ 16,055
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 4,949,365
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 4,054,651
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 0
Total of other revenueUSD $ 50,291
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 0
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 3,801,076
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 3,767,335
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 356,297
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 202,882
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 142,889
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 84,434
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 5,211,808
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 12,892,256
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 12,493,190
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 15,548
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 12,907,804
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 12,493,190
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ -178,045
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ 128,046
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 4,232,696
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 4,172,216
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 1,564,340
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 1,512,402
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 2,589,801
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 2,572,355
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 62,500
Benefits paid to or for members in previous yearUSD $ 66,537
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 16,055
Grants and similar amounts paid in previous yearUSD $ 20,922
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 4,054,651
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 4,300,262
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 0
Total of other revenueUSD $ 69,434
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 0
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 3,604,912
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 3,801,076
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 390,314
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 356,297
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 85,136
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 142,889
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 8,662,452
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 12,493,190
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 13,034,995
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 0
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 12,493,190
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 13,034,995
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ 128,046
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ 178,318
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 4,172,216
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 3,902,044
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 1,512,402
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 1,618,717
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 2,572,355
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 2,191,503
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 66,537
Benefits paid to or for members in previous yearUSD $ 74,000
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 20,922
Grants and similar amounts paid in previous yearUSD $ 17,824
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 4,300,262
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 4,080,362
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 0
Total of other revenueUSD $ 122,412
Total unrelated business incomeUSD $ 0
Program Service Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 3,610,370
Program Service Revenue from current yearUSD $ 3,604,912
Investment Income from prior yearUSD $ 416,061
Investment Income from current yearUSD $ 390,314
Other Revenue from prior yearUSD $ 77,783
Other Revenue from current yearUSD $ 85,136
Gross receipts from all sourcesUSD $ 4,735,595
Net assets / fund balances at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 13,034,995
Net assets / fund balances at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 12,958,584
Total liabilities at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 0
Total assets at end of fiscal yearUSD $ 13,034,995
Total assets at beginning of fiscal yearUSD $ 12,958,584
Revenues less expenses for current yearUSD $ 178,318
Revenues less expenses for previous yearUSD $ 685,344
Total expenses for current yearUSD $ 3,902,044
Total expenses for previous yearUSD $ 3,418,870
Other expenses in current yearUSD $ 1,618,717
Other expenses in previous yearUSD $ 1,433,693
Total fundraising expenses in current yearUSD $ 0
Professional fundraising fees from current yearUSD $ 0
Employee salary and benefits paid in current yearUSD $ 2,191,503
Employee salary and benefits paid in previous yearUSD $ 1,925,430
Benefits paid to or for members in current yearUSD $ 74,000
Benefits paid to or for members in previous yearUSD $ 46,000
Grants and similar amounts paid in current yearUSD $ 17,824
Grants and similar amounts paid in previous yearUSD $ 13,747
Total revenue in current fiscal yearUSD $ 4,080,362
Total revenue in previous fiscal yearUSD $ 4,104,214
Contributions and grants from current yearUSD $ 0
Total of other revenueUSD $ 85,136

Other Company Names associated with EIN

International Union of Operating

Organization Addresses

The following addresses have been detected as associated with Tax Indentification Number 930189335

USA Location Address
Date first seen: 2009-01-01
Date last seen: 2024-06-30

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