SHAPELL INDUSTRIES, INC. is a USA domiciled entity or foreign entity operating in the USA. The EIN ihas been issued by the IRS
The following addresses have been detected as associated with Tax Indentification Number 952578030
SEC Filing Date | SEC Document Filed |
2019-09-10 | SEC filing 000119312519242281 Form 424B5 Prospectus Rule 424(b)(5) |
2019-09-09 | SEC filing 000119312519240620 Form 424B5 Prospectus Rule 424(b)(5) |
2019-09-09 | SEC filing 000079417019000051 Form POSASR Post-effective Amendment to an automatic shelf registration statement |
2018-02-12 | SEC filing 000079417018000022 Form S-3ASR Automatic shelf registration statement of securities of well-known seasoned issuers |
2018-01-17 | SEC filing 000079417018000012 Form POSASR Post-effective Amendment to an automatic shelf registration statement |
2017-06-07 | SEC filing 000079417017000042 Form POSASR Post-effective Amendment to an automatic shelf registration statement |
2017-03-07 | SEC filing 000079417017000019 Form POSASR Post-effective Amendment to an automatic shelf registration statement |
2015-10-27 | SEC filing 000079417015000043 Form POSASR Post-effective Amendment to an automatic shelf registration statement |
2015-04-10 | SEC filing 000079417015000023 Form 8-A12B Registration of securities Section 12(b) |
2015-02-12 | SEC filing 000079417015000010 Form S-3ASR Automatic shelf registration statement of securities of well-known seasoned issuers |